Big Business Acumen With The Small Business Touch
Businesses of all sizes should be able to have access to first-rate IT services where the relationship extends beyond the point of sale. It’s with this concept that Lakshmi and Dharam Khalsa founded BlueLink IT in 2008.
An IT professional from the early days of e-commerce, Dharam started working in IT at a small consulting firm in Española. Like many during that time, he was lured to California by the boom of Silicon Valley. And while he had more than his share of professional excitement working with iLogistix’ special projects team on ventures with SAP and Compaq, he found himself drawn back to the land of blue skies, open spaces, “and of course, chile,” Dharam recounts. He also found himself in a position of managing a network team that supported nearly 16 thousand employees. But more importantly, he found himself looking at a new opportunity.
Noticing a dearth in IT consulting businesses that are staffed with technicians and sales professionals who are knowledgeable in designing and supporting networks with great customer service skills. “I took a year and really learned to sell,” Dharam recalls. “During that year, I knew I really wanted to keep with it, but do it better.”
Lakshmi knew a good thing when she saw it. In 2008, as sole proprietor, she founded BlueLink IT and hired Dharam as president. “ Lakshmi uses her business management skills and runs the financial end of the business and handles hires. Dharam works the technical, creative and sales end.
“As for the unique niche that BlueLink has carved out for their clients, Lakshmi boasts: “I believe we take the professionalism developed in the enterprise environment, and provide that quality of service to our small and medium size business clients.”